REVISION HISTORY BRIDGEMATE CONTROL SOFTWARE ============================================ Version: 3.9.16 Date: July 19th, 2024 --------------------------------------------- Changes: - PlayerNames table in the score file can be cleared to reduce file size. Bugs fixed: - Program should not freeze anymore at startup when no server is connected and computer has one or more Bluetooth ports enabled. Version: 3.9.12 Date: March 29th, 2023 --------------------------------------------- Changes: - Allow program to run in server-less mode. - Communication with Bridgemate app backend upgraded from TLS 1.0 to TLS 1.2 offering a more secure connection. - Support for new pager transmitter. Bugs fixed: - Various bugs inroduced in version 3.9.10. Version: 3.9.10 Date: September 22nd, 2022 --------------------------------------------- Changes: - Number of remaining Bridgemate App / Bridgemate Play credits are displayed. Version: 3.9.9 Date: June 3rd, 2022 --------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed: - Run-time error 340 when BCS looses communication with Bridgemate II server and communication is re-established before BCS shows server as disconnected. Version: 3.9.8 Date: March 22nd, 2022 --------------------------------------------- Changes: - Current bws file is stored in registry. Version: 3.9.6 Date: September 15th, 2021 --------------------------------------------- New: - Bridgemate Play Hybrid game added. Version: 3.8.21 Date: April 2nd, 2020 --------------------------------------------- New: - Upload speed to Bridgemate app server has been further improved. - Various improvements to uploading data to the Bridgemate app server. - After a Windows 10 update, Bridgemate Control should not show the message "Program files corrupted. Re-install BCS" anymore when uploading data to the Bridgemate app server. - The scoring program can instruct BCS to process hand records which were uploaded to the .bws score file after the session was started. Bugs fixed: - Modified session names were not saved in a multi-session score file. Version: 3.7.19 Date: October 15th, 2019 --------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed: - 2-winner events were considered as 1-winner events when publishing live results and uploading results to the Bridgemate app. Version: 3.7.18 Date: October 14th, 2019 --------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed: - Automatic score processing failed in BCS 3.7.17 when using Bridgemate Pro scoring system. Version: 3.7.17 Date: October 11th, 2019 --------------------------------------------- New: - Re-sent scores from Bridgemate II are now only processed after a checkbox has been enabled in BCS. - Number of calculation groups has been increased to 127. This allows also for 127 team matches in one server. - Log file folder location can be easily accessed from the Tools menu. Bugs fixed: - A+/A- in total crossimps are now added up correctly. - Section with all tables removed is now handled correctly. - Live ranking moves back to top after fully scrolled down. - PBN export failed when .bws file contained bidding data. - Sections were cumulatively saved in PBN export files. - A score could not be edited when declarer number contained four digits. Version: 3.7.6 Date: October 17th, 2018 --------------------------------------------- New: - Support for Bridgemate II firmwre version 3.1.1 - Extended team features for games allowing teams moving across sections and EW pairs returning to their home table. - Team players can enter their numbers on a home table and review the names before starting round 1. Bugs fixed: - Group numbers higher than 63 were not accepted. - Hand records were not uploaded to all calculation groups if multiple calculation groups belong to the same section. - Occasionally board 0 and pair 0 were uploaded to the Bridgemate app. - Double dummy analysis was performed multiple times when same hand records were used in multiple sections. - Messages were not sent to the Bridgemate pagers when a section letter has a trailing space in the .bws file. Version: 3.6.10 Date: March 7th, 2018 --------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed: - Error 3265 occurred at startup when a non-compliant score file was generated by the scoring program. (intermediatedata table missing) - Bridgemate settings profiles were not always saved correctly. Version: 3.6.9 Date: February 23rd, 2018 --------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed: - An error occurred when transmission of intermediate results was enabled. Version: 3.6.8 Date: February 13th, 2018 --------------------------------------------- New: - Support for teams scoring in Bridgemate II firmware version 3.0 - DDS (double dummy solver) upgraded to version 2.8.4 (which is much faster) Bugs fixed: - Score method in Bridgemate was not updtaed when a new section is added. - Error when editing a score in the matrix while the score is not in filtered result list. - Default game name containing apostrophe gave an error when starting a new game. Version: 3.5.63 Date: November 21st, 2017 --------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed: - BCS could crash on Windows XP computers when validating a suspicious result. - Exporting hand records to dup/pbn caused an error. - Rankings of sessions with multiple scoring methods were not correctly uploaded to the Bridgemate app. Version: 3.5.50 Date: October 23rd, 2017 --------------------------------------------- New: - Bridgemate II firmware 3.0 supported. - Bridgemate paging system added to BCS. - Average cross-imp and total cross-imp score method added. - Improved upload to Bridgemate app to prevent upload failures. - Bridgemate settings can be stored in configuration files and easily reloaded or distributed. - Setting "EW moves before play in round 1" has been added (ACBLscore only). Bugs fixed: - Minimizing window to the minimum size possible resulted in error 360. - BCS could crash on older Windows computer when validating a suspicious result. Version: 3.4.4 Date: June 29th, 2017 --------------------------------------------- New: - Improved USB data error correction should reduce the possibility of a disconnect of the Bridgemate II server. - Import hand records in .bri and .dge file format. - Existing makeable contract information can be overwritten after a reanalysis of the hand records. - Filter on suspicious contracts. - Marking a suspicious contract as valid, automatically marks identical contracts on the same board as valid too. - A suspicious contract marked as valid is excluded from the subsequent analysis of suspicious contracts. Version: 3.3.2 Date: May 15th, 2017 --------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - List of tables was not visible in tournament (network) mode. Version: 3.3.1 Date: May 3rd, 2017 --------------------------------------------- New: - Incoming TD-calls from Bridgemate II are displayed *. - TD-call option added to Bridgemate II settings window *. - Option added to repeat overview of scores in Bridgemate II *. - Makeable contract information is uploaded to Bridgemate II *. - Suspicious contracts are uploaded to Bridgemate app for display on the app of TD/managers **. - TD-calls are uploaded to the Bridgemate app for display on the app of TD/managers **. - Live ranking and Bridgemate app support IMP and cross-IMP scores and rankings. * These new features require Bridgemate II firmware version 2.3.1 or later. ** Requires Bridgemate app version 2.0 or higher. Changes: - Value of setting for uploading hand records to Bridgemate II in the import hand records window is maintained. - Communication with Bridgemate app server through alternative server port. Bug fixes: - Occasionally a wrong score record was updated when a score was manually edited. - Live ranking was not calculated properly when pairs played in opposite direction. - Session names with apostrophes were not accepted in Bridgemate app upload. Version: 3.2.23 Date: November 7th, 2016 --------------------------------------------- New: - Suspicious contracts are highlighted in the result list and matrix. - Hand record and makeable contract analysis is shown on the score details form. Changes: - Improved the "failed" notice in case a game has already been uploaded to the Bridgemate app. Bug fixes: - Names were not uploaded to Bridgemate App if round 1 did not exist. - Updating Bridgemate settings (from scoring program) cancelled the 'waiting for next round assignment' mode. - Manual score correction was not possible when BCS was set to Danish language. - Names are preserved when numbers are entered on the Bridgemate but name lookup is not used. - Scores with comments in the comment field were excluded from final ranking calculation. - Adjusted scores were not calculated correctly in the final ranking calculation. Version: 3.2.17 Date: July 14th, 2016 --------------------------------------------- New: - Time-out added to Bridgemate app settings. Default time-out increased to 120 seconds. Changes: - Makeable contract analysis is only done once for boards that are identical across sections. Bug fixes: - Ranking upload to Bridgemate app could be stopped if member numbers were manually edited in BCS. - Blank member numbers entered on Bridgemate Pro resulted in read errors. - Incorrect movement type was used for a section in case the movement contained only 1 round. Version: 3.2.6 Date: April 22nd, 2016 --------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - 'Validate lead card' and 'Member number entry each round' settings in score file were not recognized by Bridgemate options window. - New rounds were not uploaded to Bridgemate app. - Recording of bidding/play resulted in a 'subscript out of range' error when reading this data from the Bridgemate server. - Names were not correctly uploaded to the Bridgemate app when Magic Contest was used as scoring program. - Query syntax error (error 3075) appeared when uploading results of combined sections in multiple groups to Bridgemate app. Version: 3.2.1 Date: February 24th, 2016 --------------------------------------------- New: - Danish language added. - Bridgemate II option to verify lead card against hand record. (requires Bridgemate II 2.2.1+ firmware) - Bridgemate II option to enter member numbers each round (mainly used for team games, requires Bridgemate II 2.2.1+ firmware) - Option to restore re-sent backup scores automatically to Bridgemate II server. - Bridgemate app: Connection test button added to Bridgemate app settings window. Changes: - Server "not connected" is shown in red. - Changes in Japan radio frequency due to regulations. Now supports 16 channels for region Japan. (requires Bridgemate II 2.2.1+ firmware) - Bridgemate app: default game name is stored. - Bridgemate app: improved data upload to app server. - Makeable contract analysis is imported from PBN file when available. Bug fixes: - PBN or DUP files could not be imported when file extension was not in lower case. - Live ranking / Bridgemate app did not calculate result properly when boards were marked as "Not played". - Live ranking / Bridgemate app did not calculate result properly when Dutch firmware of Bridgemate Pro was used. Version 3.1.2 Date: June 18th, 2015 --------------------------------------------- New: - Support for Windows 10. (previous BCS versions will not work correctly on Windows 10) - Integration of Bridgemate app. - Import of hand records in PBN format and Big Deal CSV format. - Menu-option added to delete score + removing original score record. - High card points are included in the hand record reports. - Default location of log files changed to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\BridgeMate Control\Logs - Default location of BMplayerDB.mdb changed to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\BridgeMate Control - In case the game has a sitout and the number of the sitout pair is not included in the movement data, BCS will add this number (applies to ACBLscore only). Bug fixes: - Board 0 record was exported to pbn or dup file when there was a sitout in the game. - Live ranking did not show double/triple section letters. - Live ranking did not show names when the internal group number was not starting from 1. Version 2.8.29 Date: November 28th, 2013 --------------------------------------------- Changes: - Language of report viewer changed from Dutch to English. Due to restrictions in the viewer, it is not possible to change the interface language of the viewer during run-time. Version 2.8.28 Date: November 12th, 2013 --------------------------------------------- Bug fixes: - BCS could produce an error message at startup when the database file was not conforming to the latest standard. - Automatic installation of Bridgemate II server driver was not executed during installation. Version 2.8.27 Date: October 17th, 2013 --------------------------------------------- New: - Validation of Australian Bridge Federation member numbers added. - Validation of Japan Contract Bridge League member numbers added. - Scores can be updated from the scoring program and these updated scores are shown on the Bridgemate. - Automatic double dummy analyse added for hand records entered on the Bridgemate. The analysis information is stored in the Bridgemate .bws file. - Added printing of hand records with double dummy analysis. - Round monitor uses yellow colour (instead of red) for rounds with only one board remaining. Bug fixes: - Error 91 at startup fixed. Version 2.7.9 Date: June 28th, 2012 --------------------------------------------- New: - Hand record can be entered after entry of board result. - In Swiss games, Bridgemate can be set to wait for new movement information at end of last round, instead of showing End of Session. - Setting added to omit automatic entry of board number for the first board to be played in a round. - Duplimate (.dup) files can be imported in BCS. - Player numbers with leading zeros can be distinguished from same number without leading zero. Bug fixes: - Registration of first intermediate contract could result in server error ID 5. - Occassionally BCS would not respond after option screen is shown at startup together with window minimization. - Scores could be registered as "wrong direction" after the computer resumed from standby mode. - Overflow error fixed when entering player number 999E+999. - Erased records of bidding and play could result in an error on non-English Windows versions. Version 2.6.1 Date: June 26th, 2011 --------------------------------------------- New: - Settings added for hand record entry/view capability in Bridgemate II. - Menu function to view hand records in the server (Bridgemate II). - Hand records are restored in a server recovery. - Score file can be saved from the File menu. - Session data can be exported to Public Bridge Notation (PBN). - Hand records can be exported to Duplimate format (DUP). - Realtime publication of ranking added. - Location for BMplayerDB.mdb file can be selected. - Player names can be queried from the .bws file and bmplayerdb.mdb lookup database file. Bugs fixed: - Table numbers higher than 255 were not correctly uploaded to the server and removed from the server. - Restore after minimize at startup could cause unexpected behaviour. - Hand records were not automatically uploaded to Bridgemate II server when using the /h parameter. - BCS window isn't maximized anymore after a movement update. Version 2.5.1 Date: February 28th, 2011 --------------------------------------------- New: - Settings added for Bridgemate II ranking and end of game summary. - Setting added for Bridgemate II automatically showing score recap at end of round. - Double and triple section letters added. - Validation for FFB member numbers added. Changes: - Improved support for computer standby mode. - Names are restored in a server recovery. - Bridgemate Pro instance is started with the same startup parameters. - Improved handling of size and positioning. - BCS will warn ACBLscore users when they restart the server while there are scores found in the .bws file. - Names are correctly displayed when EW moves up/down before play (fix only needed for ACBLscore). Bugs fixed: - Player names were not uploaded to Bridgemate if the name source was specified by scoring program while BCS settings specified a different name source. - A phantom pair was still asked to enter their numbers on Bridgemate II even when they were registered as missing pair in table Section in the .bws file. Version 2.4.1 Date: January 7th, 2011 --------------------------------------------- New: - Norwegian language added. - Data transfer speed between BCS and Bridgemate II server increased. Changes: - Filter/sort frame is hidden when results tab is not shown. - Reset command 998 from scoring program is not erased anymore when scoring program starts BCS with /s command. - BCS remembers previous window size and position. - Less strict notation required when manually changing scores. - Player numbers and names can be erased with the Delete key. - Active filters are obeyed when new scores are received from the Bridgemate, only scores that match the filter are shown. - Report screen shows updates of Bridgemate settings and reset commands initiated by the scoring program. - ACBLscore dbase\playern.dat file location can be changed. Bugs fixed: - Reset or settings update initiated by scoring program made BCS non-responding when Bridgemate Pro server was used. - BCS reported incorrectly that too many tables are in a section when Bridgemate II server was used. - Names were unintendedly uploaded to the Bridgemate II server while the table was not uploaded yet to the server. - ACBLscore tournament playerdatabase could not be loaded. Version 2.3.25 Date: November 29th, 2010 --------------------------------------------- New: - Italian language added. Changes: - Improved detection of Bridgemate Pro server when used together with Bridgemate II system. - Names updated by the scoring program did not appear in the Players tab. - Player numbers entered on Bridgemate Pro did not show in Bridgemate II (the names did not appear). - Restart of BCS will automatically trigger restart of concurrent running Bridgemate Pro system. - Processed field and TimeLog field in PlayerNumbers table are set when a record is added or updated. - ACBLscore playern.dat file can be selected from any location. Bugs fixed: - Double clicking in the result frame led to error 91 if no results had been recorded. - Bridgemate Pro instance could fail to start in certain combinations of port assignments to Bridgemate II and Bridgemate Pro server. - Group field was not correctly used. Version 2.3.8 Date: October 14th, 2010 --------------------------------------------- New: - Bridgemate Pro and Bridgemate II can be used together in one event. - Installation of Bridgemate II USB server driver is integrated in Bridgemate Control setup program. Changes: - ACBL member list is also loaded in .bws file even if server is not found. - Improved method of manual entry of member numbers. - Scoring program can set initial tab to be shown. - Scoring program can set an initial move of EW pairs from their home table before round 1 is played. Version 2.2.7 Date: September 7th, 2010 --------------------------------------------- New: - Japan region added. - Faster data transfer protocol added for Bridgemate II USB server. Bugs fixed: - Updating a player name while the value in Number field was null caused the program non-responding. - Channels for region Israel were not correctly listed. - Updating a name using an apostrophe returned an error. - Names were not updated when new tables were added to the server and simultaneously names were added for these tables by the scoring program. Version 2.2.1 Date: July 9th, 2010 --------------------------------------------- New: - Bridgemate II settings for recording of bidding and play added. - Bridgemate II settings for showing travellers on the Bridgemates as alternative to frequency lists. - Bridgemate II settings for showing player names on the Bridgemate added. - Player names can be changed from the names grid. - Player numbers can be changed from the names grid. - Israel region added. Bugs fixed: - Round monitor did not always correctly update the colors of the columns when the first round played was not round 1. - Overflow error when high table numbers were used. - Scores in server were not correctly shown when Bridgemate Pro server was used. - Pair numbers higher than 63 in server were not correctly shown when Bridgemate Pro server was used. - Scores in server were not shown when Bridgemate II USB server was used with more than 8 scores in a round. Version 2.1.4 Date: June 2nd, 2010 --------------------------------------------- Bugs fixed: - Database index added to PlayerNames table. - Scores were not correctly shown in the score matrix when non-English languages were used. - Player names are now properly sorted on direction in the player names table. - Players name with an apostroph in the name returned an error when being processed. Version 2.1.1 Date: 28-04-2010 --------------------------------------------- New: - Support for Bridgemate II USB server. - Round monitor and board monitor stay fixed in position when a new score is added. - Colours used in the round monitor to indicate whether a round has been completed. - Table showing the member numbers entered on the Bridgemates. Bugs fixed: - Number of played boards was incorrectly displayed in the round monitor when multiple scores were registered for a board. - Comm control replaced with new version which allows up to COM port 255. Scoring program specific features: - Automatic loading of ACBLscore player database. Version 2.0.17 Date: 10-12-2009 --------------------------------------------- New: - Bridgemate II function: Pair number entry as part of declarer. - Setting for erasing original record of a deleted score. - Setting for automatically closing down BCS at end of session. - Menu "Read Bridgemate locally" removed when using Bridgemate II system. - At the start of the session, Bridgemate options can be shown and modified if required. - Delay added to update movement procedure to make sure records are loaded with correct movement information. - Possibility to change Bridgemate Pro settings at any time during a session. - Log file extended for manual movement update. - Bridgemate II setting for enabling/disabling Reset function key. Bugs fixed: - Fixed an incorrect "Wrong direction" notification when uploading scores to the server. Version 2.0.5 Date: 06-10-2009 --------------------------------------------- New: - Closing rounds feature added - Manual score corrections in Bridgemate Control are relayed back to the server and will be visible on the Bridgemates. - Show score points in result matrix. - Scoring programs can set the Bridgemate options separately for each section. - Support for Bridgemate II wireless scoring system. - Settings for Bridgemate II. - Firmware update for Bridgemate II. - Possibility to change Bridgemate II settings at any time during a session. - Option to remotely reset the Bridgemate II Changes: - Program name changed to "Bridgemate Control Software" - Extended information saved in the log file for movement update. - No error message when a table logs on that doesn't exist in the bws file. - Board monitor stays horizontally in position after new scores are recorded. - Improved routine for detection of communications cable. - Program won't freeze anymore when scores exist in the result list which are out of scope of the movement. - Movement information (menu Session - Edit movement) can be sorted on table or round. - Improved ability to close BCS when a server is not connected to the PC. - Program mode default changed to club mode. Version 1.7.60 Date: 13-02-2009 --------------------------------------------- New: - Club/tournament mode added. In club mode, there is only one client and tab "All tables" is removed. - Report screen is automatically closed after 1 minute. - Data retrieval function is always enabled and cannot be disabled anymore. - Trace & Debug function removed. - Toolbar removed. - Spanish language added. - Result maxtrix added. - In manual movement update, rounds prior to the starting round of the movement update can be skipped, which results in Bridgemates starting from the selected round. - Manually edited scores in BPC are recorded in the log file. - Port 1 to 20 are scanned for a connected server. Bugs fixed: - Movement update was occasionally not done correctly when the movement update was executed while one or more Bridgemates were logging on or off simultaneously. Functions for ACBLscore: - When a score is erased, the original record will be removed. Requires an updated default.bws file. - UpdateFromRound is set to 0 after adding tables at startup (thus eliminating the automatically invoked movement update due to value 1 which is set by ACBLscore). Version 1.7.20 Date: 22-05-2008 --------------------------------------------- New: - When reading results manually from a Bridgemate, the round number and NS and EW pair numbers will be correctly registered. - Pair NS and pair EW numbers can be changed for an individual score. Bug fixed: - AutoShutDownBPC feature produced an error when the Settings table was not created by the scoring program. Version 1.7.15 Date: 19-04-2008 --------------------------------------------- New: - When all Bridgemates have logged off from the server, the warning message will not appear anymore when the program is closed. A requirement is that ALL tables belonging to the client computer have logged on to the server and consequently have logged off. In case of a situation that not all Bridgemates have logged on in one single moment, the message will still appear. - AutoShutDown setting added. The scoring program can instruct BPC to shut down after the last table has logged off. - Support for Access2000 file formats. - Log files can be stored in a folder different from the folder where BMPro.exe is located. This is especially useful for Windows Vista which does not allow writing files to the Program Files directory. Bugs fixed: - Rare problem solved where Bridgemate Pro Control did not close correctly and remained active in Windows Task Manager. This phenomenon was usually preceded by an error 8018. Version 1.6.28 Date: 30-10-2007 --------------------------------------------- Bug fixed: - Data retrieval does not hang anymore when a table is logged on to/off from the server while the table record is missing in the database. Version 1.6.27 Date: 01-10-2007 --------------------------------------------- New: - Score retrieval is now by default forced to be continuously activated. It can be switched off from the Options screen. Version 1.6.26 Date: 15-09-2007 --------------------------------------------- Bug fixed (hopefully): - Incorrect execution of movement update in Swiss events which resulted in Bridgemates not going on to the next round. Version 1.6.25 Date: 04-09-2007 --------------------------------------------- Bug fixed: - Pressing Sort button with filter enabled but without a value entered in the filter box resulted in an error. Changes: - Minimize parameter at startup is not executed when no server is detected. Version 1.6.24 Date: 02-09-2007 --------------------------------------------- New: - All scores can be selected by pressing CTRL + A. - Selected scores can be copied to the Windows clipboard. - Scores can be sorted on Pair NS, Pair EW, declarer and NS/EW (direction of score) as well. - Function added to force data retrieval from server always being activated when session is active. Version 1.6.22 Date: 30-05-2007 --------------------------------------------- - Information of total number of boards and rounds added to server included in log file. Version 1.6.21 Date: 18-02-2007 --------------------------------------------- Changes: - Changed the DBgrid of Database-editor and Movement editor to True DBgrid. Removed file DBGrid32.ocx from the installation. - MemberNumber records are added to the database in case they have not been added by the scoring program. - Bridgemate settings tab shows the settings that come from the scoring program when scoring program is selected to specify Bridgemate settings. Version 1.6.20 Date: 22-01-2007 --------------------------------------------- New: - Processed flags can be set from the Change Score window. - Swedish language added. Version 1.6.19 Date: 15-01-2007 --------------------------------------------- New: - BPC can show results using total tricks won or American style result notation. Bugs fixed: - Manually entered PASS was not handled correctly in all languages. - "Not Played" was noted as "Wrong direction" instead of "Not played" when the NP on Bridgemate was entered in wrong direction (Dutch version of Bridgemate only). Version 1.6.16 Date: 30-11-2006 --------------------------------------------- - Error 91 fixed when updating movement procedure was executed and Bridgemate Pro Control wasn't the active program (did not have the focus). Version 1.6.15 --------------------------------------------- - Option that specifies which Bridgemate Pro settings to use has been made more clear. Version 1.6.14 --------------------------------------------- - Setting for board order verification added (requires server 1.2.3 and Bridgemate 2.2.1a) Version: 1.6.13 --------------------------------------------- - Turkish language added Version: 1.6.12 --------------------------------------------- - Internal firmware verification added to server - Support for server v1.2 (harmonized server for Dutch and international Bridgemates) - Non-sequential boards per round are supported - Window state is always maximized when movement is updated by scoring program - Ports 1 to 10 are scanned for server or data cable. - Repair function added on opening a corrupted db file. - American style of contract notation is supported. - Setting added to make entry of member numbers mandatory (blank numbers not allowed). Bug fixed: - when a new table was added to the session and the table tab was not selected, BPC reported an error when the table was logged on to the server. NOTE : SERVER 1.2 UPDATE AND BRIDGEMATE 2.2 IS REQUIRED TO MAKE FULL USE OF ALL FEATURES Version: 1.5.20 --------------------------------------------- - Round monitor added - Board monitor added - Sort feature added Version 1.5.16 --------------------------------------------- - French language added - small change to server detection routine Version: 1.5.15 --------------------------------------------- - Revision numbers of server and Bridgemate supported - minor language tweaks NOTE: REQUIRES UPDATE SERVER v1.1.3 Version: 1.5.9 --------------------------------------------- - German language added - Byte level log mode added - minor tweaks --------------------------------------------- date: Version: 1.5.0 - Multi-language support. Dutch language added. - Incidental abort of retrieving scores fixed. --------------------------------------------- date: Version: 1.4.0 - Database repair and database editor utilities added - Logfile extended with more information - Automatic movement update feature added - New Bridgemate options added: * enter results as total tricks won or tricks relative to contract * intermediate results tranmission * show/hide pair numbers at round info - Bridgemate settings can be controlled from scoring program. Option to override these external settings and use BM Pro settings. - Region selection for international radiofrequency support - Movement can be updated from any round. - Server recovery function added. - Bug "Bridgemate Pro Control is already running" solved. NOTE: REQUIRES UPDATE SERVER AND BRIDGEMATE 21-09-2005 --------------------------------------------- date: Version: 1.3.2 - removed create new database - removed read movement - Bug removed: multiple removal of the same board indicated the wrong board/result at the second or higher removal. - Bug removed: incorrect data storage when reading Bridgemate locally - All results in the server can be retrieved and saved to the session file from the "Show tables" function. --------------------------------------------- date: 27-06-2005 Version: 1.2.6 - improved support for multi-client environment - an occasional run-time error 9 removed --------------------------------------------- date: 25-06-2005 Version: 1.2.5 - improved verification on incoming datafeed. Data will not get lost if computer or network failure results in incomplete storage of data. - Data retrieval is automatically reactivated when data error occurs and the server is restarted. - Warning will appear when connection to the database is lost. NOTE: REQUIRES UPDATE SERVER 21-06-2005 1.2.4 ???? Zie desktop --------------------------------------------- date: 07-05-2005 Version: 1.2.3 - Scores can be edited and contain remark data of own choice. - BUG: NT contracts were sometimes not registered correctly. --------------------------------------------- Version: 1.2.2 - Recorder version retrieves data every 0.5 seconds instead of every 1 second for the normal version. - Autopoweroff time for the recorder version is standard set to 60 seconds. This will be a separate setting from the normal version. --------------------------------------------- date: 21-03-2005 version: 1.2.1 - Date/time values will change to current values when result is edited. - full support for recording of bidding and play - Option to set maximum results in overview - Option to group sections and calculate percentage as one --------------------------------------------- version: 1.1.4 - Server of recorder family type supported. - Bidding data registered --------------------------------------------- version: 1.1.3 - "read Bridgemate locally" now supports correct reading leadcard Bridgemate. - More information added to Bridgemate analysis. - Disable Server Detection function added (however, detection at startup is always performed). - Support for 8-channel server type added. --------------------------------------------- version: 1.1.2 - /r now always works when server is connected - /m parameter added to minimize screen at startup --------------------------------------------- version: 1.1.1 - server detection disabled when reprogramming Bridgemates - member number support, optional feature - lead card optional - show percentage of result - repeat overview of previous results --------------------------------------------- date: 08-01-2005 version: 1.0.2 - Program cannot be run more than once at the same time. --------------------------------------------- date: 05-12-2004 version: 1.0.1 - Direction of declarer can now be edited as either N, S, E or W only. --------------------------------------------- date: 02-11-2004 version: 1.0.0 Initial version